Sunday, November 27, 2011

Starting knee strengthening and stabilization exercise set

The set of exercises I am presenting here is the starting knee strengthening and stabilization exercise set. This set should be mastered before you start practicing any internal martial arts moving exercises.

This exercise set strengthens your whole lower body, all the way from your ribs to your toes.

It teaches you how to connect your torso with your legs.
It teaches you how to move without hurting your knees.
It teaches you how to shift weight fully from leg to leg without swaying.
It teaches you how to ground yourself.
It teaches you how to have a full Yang and full Yin leg.


1. You should have your full weight on your supporting leg. The moving leg should bear no weight even when it touches the ground.
2. The supporting foot should be in full contact with the ground, with the weight equally distributed throughout the exercise. You should never lift your toes or your heel, or the sides of your foot during the exercise.
3. The supporting knee should be over the center of your foot and should not move from that position.
4. Your supporting leg should be vertical and your hip, your knee and your foot should be on the same vertical plane at all times.
5. Your torso should be vertical at all times. Do not lean forward or backward as you step.
6. Your torso should be facing forward at all times. The angle between the supporting leg and your torso should be 90 degrees.
7. When moving your other foot away, you need to lower your body from your coccyx. You are effectively performing a series of mini one leg squats.
8. Your core muscles should be engaged at all times, but only to the minimum required to keep the body in the correct position.
9. Your breathing should be smooth and long. Do not hold your breath.

This set of exercises is sometimes known as Taichi dance. Once you can perform this set, you can connect the movements by shifting the weight from your Yang leg to your Yin leg. During this process of weight shifting, you learn how transform Yin to Yang and Yang to Yin. You learn Taichi.

Here is the link to the video that shows how perform these exercises.

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